Quick Tips for Healthy Pregnancy

Quick Tips for Healthy Pregnancy

It is important that you start your pregnancy at a right BMI. It is normally found that most of the women are already overweight when they plan their pregnancy.

Healthy weight keeps both the mother as well as they baby healthy too.

Here are few quick tips to ensure that you are on right track with your pregnancy:

- Try to lose weight if you are high on BMI before planning pregnancy.

- You don’t need to eat for two people while pregnant.

- Don’t follow any diet plan to reduce weight when pregnant as it can harm your baby growth.

- Include more of healthy options in your diet like fruits, vegetables, dairy etc.

- Avoid unwanted fats / ice creams / sweets cravings as this will not only increase your weight but also lead to dental issues.

- Eat fresh fruits than fruit juices as they also increase your weight due to increase in sugar levels.

- Eat small meals if you feel too much of acidity or bloated after eating.

- Try to be active during your pregnancy until advised otherwise by a doctor.

- Take small walks during the mornings or evenings.

- Water aerobics, yoga and stretching are extremely recommended during pregnancy. However, take your doctor’s advice before you start anything new.

- Take your folic acid and other supplements daily as recommended by your doctor.

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